Ok doggies, I am needing a little vent time here with you all.
Things this New Year are not shaping up so fantastic. My pool has gone defunct!
The other morning as we were lying in bed snozzzzzing in the winter morning,
we heard some not familiar noises comming from my pool. So Mom went to the doors to face the music of something she had feared gone wrong. As she looked out she didn't look real happy. "Mom, whats wrong with my pool, I said"! The entire back yard was flooded. As she went outside, (you know she made me stay inside), she really didn't look good. This is what she found......

"Uh Oh, This is not looking good"
Seems that my pool pump has xploded! What does this mean???
Well "NOT" that they let me swim in the cold winter weather in my pool or anything,
though I do sneak a quick dunk now and again, it has been clearly told to me that this thing called a new pool pump bottom half, will be MY Birthday Present!
What the heck! I will be just 2 years old on January 12, and just because this
pool, OH I mean my pool, and the darn pump, has just happened to dump right before my Birthday, it is now being touted as my birthday pressie!!!!
Ok, on top of it all, We have went and bought the new bottom pool pump (pressie),but due to extreme rains in the state that NEVER rains......huh,
we cannot even open my pressie and play pool pump. So my pool has very diminished water right now, the jacuzzi none, which is where I go round and round looking like a sharkie in the water.
Things this New Year are just not shaping up, just look at this......What the?

I have heard of cushie jacuazzi tubs, but this one takes the doggie bone!
It seems Mom was very afraid from all the newscast she heard of the horrid California
storm to be, she brought in all my pool backyard furniture cushions. Isn't this a strange place to lay them down? So, I wonder what all you doggies think! I am a bit perplexed by all of this. Happy New Year.. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof
Do you think this Pool Pump should be presented as my 2 Year old Birthday Pressie? Or am I being treated unfairly??????

Should I go on Birthday Pressie STRIKE????? I have some deep thinking to do.
Maddie the Chocolate Labbie