Moms do know best.......But........I know I am not supposed to.......But..
Hi Pups!!! It's me, Maddie the Chocolate Labbie. I just want to start out by saying that I am really a very very good pup! I do listen to what my mom has to say about 99 percent of the time. But, like the rest of you, I am a pup after all!!!!!
I have recently gotten into the way of climbing on top of Domino's crate during the day to see out the window. Because of this, mom has been forced to close the shade most days. Ah...yeah, well the other day it was bright and sunny and mom had opened the shade, so I took this opportunity to once again give it a go. There is one big issue......I am trying to master, like a fine surfer. It's placement of the fetty feet and balance. Once it goes wrong, there is a eathquake like reaction that one labbie cannot recover from, and you must admit defeat..... I do not give up easily, and as you can hear in the end, moms once again thinks she new what the final result would be. hmmmmmpf.
I'll be back.... Maddie
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
Lady PF is keeping her secret so very well - I did NOT catch her off The
Clutch so the number is still holding at four - but...
Lord PF was close most of...
8 hours ago