Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My First Day on the Bloggie

Hi Every Pup! It's me the Chocolate Lab Maddie!
Or as my Mom calls me, The Chocolate Bunny.
I am ready to Give this bloggie thing a paw try.
I am just gonna be brief right now, so I can get up and going, then I must go for my morning play swim in the pool. So I will be writing more later, ok!


The Army of Four said...

Wooooooooooooo! Maddie! That's so cool that you've entered the blog-o-sphere! Make sure you sign up with DWB, OK? They're cool!
Aw, shucks, though. I'm not really a Lab in a Sibe suit! Honest!
Luv to you and Frankie!

Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Hi Army! Yes I will sign og with DWB. I can see from your Blog that there are some OHHHH so cool
dogs on it! How FUN is that!
Pups from all over, all shapes, all sizes and personalities!

I know your not REALLy a Lab-ra-dab-ra-doooooooooo Dave, cuz my Mom says you are just way to cute of a Sibe to not be reallllllz.
(Tug Tug on that suit)...

Frankie is gonna have a blog too, not sure if its gonna combo with me or all her own.

Luv to you all,
The Mad Babushka

Anonymous said...

Hi Maddie,
Glad you have joined us doggie bloggers! You will have lots of fun and meet tons of new doggie pals! Thanks for visiting our blog. We will add your link to our page. Our Mama just loves chocolate, hehehe! She used to have a german shorthair pointer that was chocolate brown just like you and then he had the tick colored chest. Who is Frankie? a sis??
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers

Anonymous said...

Hey cutie! I love chocolate!

Bussie Kissies

Anonymous said...

Hi Maddie! Grrrreat New Blog you have, just had a quick sniff around, grand stuff! Love Marvin x

Pups and Kittys and other Furry types we paw with!
