Hi Doggies, It's Maddie the Chocolate Bunny!
First we want to say, sorry for the absence. We have been scarce since the
Southern California Fires took way. We are happy to say that we are all fine
here. It was a very hard time here, and we had to work very hard to give our
Mom a hand with everything, while Dad was off working very hard at the San Diego
Fire, helping restore power for them. But now we are breathing fresh air and
things have returned back to normal! Yippppppppe
That said, we celebrated a bit with friends, and welcomed the Halloween night.
And look what they made of me! Well some of you may know, my Sibe Sis Frankie
is a Sibe-Tini kinda girl. So I was a Lab Sibe-tini Server for the night.

Don't I look ever so happy with my costume? Errrrr not! Well I hope they all had
a good time anyway. I guess it must have been the bad air quality the bipeds
breathed for all those days of fires that prompted this behaivor.....
Yeah thats it.
Hope you all had a Happy Safe Halloween,