Hey Pups! Frankie Grrrl and Maddie here today.
Well, we can sum Living Room painting into one word "STRESS", Oh there was plenty
of Maddie Tail paintbrushing, Me Frankie, wanting attention, (Whats so hard trying
to do that and paint, I ask?). But mostly a Color Malfunction. Mom was so careful too, much preperation and thought behind the 3 colors that would be used. One for the walls, should have been a light brown, but when Dad painted almost two days worth, came out looking almost WHITE! How can this be? We don't know, but we ran outside when we saw the problem. Anwyway, so off to Home Depot, new deeper brown chosen...And we have this color on the wall now, Entry way, Living Room and Hallway.

We still have tons of "touch up" painting to do.
But we have ONE ??????????????????????????????
Can we play now....


Don't Let them Bring Paint Cans Home DOGGIES!
Hope you all get to Play today,
Frankie Grrrl and Maddie the Chocolate Lab Bunny